1st March, 2021

2021 Week 8

  • Still in the process of on-boarding at my new full-time role.

    Starting a new job remotely is tricky, especially when that’s joining an existing team that is really very busy. I’ve not really started at that many new companies, and it’s definitely not a process I’m very good at.

    It sounds like it might not be all that long before I can meet some of the new team in person. I do worry that we as a country might be planning on opening up too quickly.

  • Last week I managed to release the first version of my new bullet_journal ruby gem, which is really just a replacement for some shell scripts to allow me to quickly open markdown documents for my daily to do list. First published gem though, so nice to have that out.

    It’s rather rough-and-ready, the argument parser is just a simple case statement. But, trying to be a bit less of a perfectionist and more of a just-fucking-ship-it type, so I’m chuffed to have this out even in a semi-usable state.

  • Published the projects page, but not put it in the sidebar yet. This is part of my 2021 effort to talk-less and publish-more. That includes writing these #weeknotes too!

  • Recorded another test episode of a podcast I’m working on with a few friends. It probably won’t go anywhere, but it’s nice to have an excuse to chat… and we’re definitely honing in on what we want the show to be. It’s fun watching it come together.